Bathroom Mirror Frame-Out

We're putting the finishing touches on our bathroom remodel. Framing this mirror has been something I've wanted to do for a few years now. I purchased carved framing at frame #W-730-55. I measured the height and width of the frame and ordered pieced to those lengths. THe company cuts the framing as if you will be dropping the mirror into the frame, I wanted to reduce the surface of the mirror so I had them cut the pieces to exact size.
If the frame underside is light colored, paint it black or it will show in the mirror. I used an epoxy glue to glue frame to mirror. Beginning with the bottom piece, apply glue in a zig-zag along the back of the frame. You will need to hold piece in place for about 10-15 minutes, Use blue painters tape at 4-in intervals to hold piece in place for a complete bond. This bottom piece will anchor the sides and top pieces so let this dry & bond overnight.
After 12 hours of bonding, glue and place the two sides, tape with painters tape and then glue and tape the top piece. Do not walk away! Stay with this for 10-15 minutes to avoid slippage of frame pieces. Cost for project: Framing $140.00 Glue $6.00. Total: $146.00


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